Are you taking an EMT class? Are you trying to get refreshed for the NREMT exam? Are you rusty and interested in sharpening your medical knowledge? If you have an iPhone or iPad and need help learning the EMT-B curriculum, then this software has been prepared with just you in mind.
When I was taking an EMT class and learning the material I prepared hundreds of paper index cards that I used to learn and drill on the many areas tested in my class and on the NREMT exam. My handwriting is terrible, and I was frustrated carrying around this bundle of cards. That's when I thought about typing up all the notes and creating an iPhone application that could serve the same purpose.
Features include:Preloaded with over 650 cards organized by medical category
Supports both text and graphic questions and answers
Mark cards for exclusion as you learn them to focus on just those areas where you need more work
Add your own cards or edit mine
Select cards by category so you can begin using the stack on day 1 of your class
randomize the order so you are more challenged with the material
Search for cards by keyword
Operates on both iPhone or iPad - Now available for PC and MAC too!
Simple ONE BUTTON operation. We implemented the "Next Step" button to act as the primary interface element. This one tap knows where you are, and knows where to go. If you are on a question screen, tapping the "Next Step" button shows you the answer to that question. If you are already on an answer screen, the "next Step" button takes you to the next question in the stack.How the program works:iEMT FlashCard is a database of questions and answers that are displayed and manipulated on your computer, iPhone or iPad using the wildly popular Filemaker Go program. To use the program, you'll need a number of elements:
For the iPad/iPhone:
iTunes - you'll need this to download the Filemaker Go program from the app store as well as to transfer the iEMTFlashCard data you tour iPhone or iPad. Don't worry FilemakerGo is free!
Filemaker Go - This is a fully featured filemaker environment for your iPhone or iPad. I did not write it, and you'll need it to manipulate the iEMTFlashCard data. Good news is it is FREE - you get it from the Apple iTunes app store.
iEMT FlashCard - the actual interface and data that is the content you are interested in for learning the EMT curriculum. You pay for and download this program from this web site.
For your PC or MAC computer
iEMT FlashCard - If you don't have an iPhone or iPad it's even simpler - just download the EMT Flashcard program from this site and install it. No extra software or registrations required. Once you've paid the incredibly low cost of $9.95 , you'll file to download to your computer. Download the file, then uncompress it. Create a shortcut to launch it and away you go!
Screen shots:
Here is a photo of the main screen. You can see there is a tab for the question and a HANDY "Next Step" button. You read the question, formulate the answer in your head, then click the NEXT STEP button and the answer will be displayed.
Convenient buttons at the bottom of the screen permit you to navigate to previous and next cards or to move quickly through the stack. You can also edit cards on the fly, or add new cards to the deck.
Then you can tap on the NEXT STEP button to go to the next question, or if you got the answer right and you don't want to be quizzed on this question again during this session, tap on the EXCLUDE button and then proceed. You can cycle through the current selection of cards as often as you like, but the excluded cards will be skipped.
On the settings tab you can adjust controls which permit you to:
a) Restrict the cards included in the current deck to one of the many categories or select all categories
b) Randomize the order the cards are presented in so you can be sure you are really learning the material
c) Revert to the natural order - or first order entered to more easily find a specific question.
Use the convenient Quick search function to find all cards that contain your search phrase (in either the question or answer fields)
Help is just a quick tap away. The program operation is simple, but should you need assistance, there is a brief help screen that describes all the program functions.
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